Submit a genome

Any genome can be integrated into

  • A dedicated page is attributed to the genome with a credits section for the author(s), the institution(s), and the funding(s) involved.
  • Online tools including a genome browser and a blast service are proposed on the same page.
  • A download service can also be setup for other users to access the genome.

Genome data submission

  • Genomic sequences: FASTA format.[1, 2] *Required
  • Gene annotation: GFF3 format.[1] *Required
  • Repeat anotation: GFF3 format.[3]
  • mRNA sequences: FASTA format.[4]
  • CDS sequences: FASTA format.[4]
  • Protein sequences: FASTA format.[4]

Metadata submission

  • Citation: The publication(s) to be used as citation(s) for the data reported.
  • Picture and logos: A picture representative of the sequenced accession can be displayed on the genome page as well as logos from the submitting institutes, labs, funders, etc.

If you have any additional relevant data you want to share, feel free to contact us.

Submission contact information

Please contact Dario Cantu (dacantu[@] and/or Noe Cochetel (ndcochetel[@] providing information about the accession sequenced, genome assembly, and the protocols used. We will reply as soon as possible to coordinate submission and data transfer.


  1. Nomenclature of sequences and feature IDs should be unique throughout the genome and the website. To distinguish each genotype, we follow specific naming conventions (see Massonnet et al. 2020) ensuring the uniqueness of the identifiers used on the website. If the given annotation does not follow the naming convention, identifiers will be modified accordingly and a conversion table will be provided.
  2. If the genome is phased (haplotype-aware), please provide the information to separate the alternative sequences.
  3. If the repeat annotation is not available, it will be performed internally using RepeatMasker trained on a custom Vitis repeats database.
  4. If feature sequences are not provided, they will be extracted using the genome sequence and the structural annotation.